(54 years ago)



a death sentence

If you’re reading this in 2013 it might be a bit hard to believe but it’s true. True for 2021 anyway. The largest corporation in the world is run by Trevor Johnson, a man with over 40 arrests and who was found guilty by a jury of his peers of the brutal murders of 4 rival drug dealers and a police officer in 2014.

In 2021 he was released from prison on the day he was sentenced to die by lethal injection and instead assumed control of a business entity whose net worth rivals most developing nations and employs over 300,000 people in 30 countries across the globe. Trevor did not finish high school, lacks any social graces, has an estimated IQ of 93 and is currently associated with most of the organizations being monitored by the FBI.

The obvious question is how did this happen. That’s the funny part.

In 2013 opponents of the death penalty joined forces with groups supporting suicide rights to create a convoluted piece of legislation that had everyone from the media to the Fortune 500 water coolers laughing at the sheer lunacy of it.

By 2015 they had stopped laughing as it slowly made its way through the courts.

What it said was this: if as a nation we concede that the ultimate price must be paid for certain abominable crimes, that a life must be taken to ensure that justice is served, and it also has been established that a person has the right to decide if they want to depart this world on their own terms, doesn’t it reasonably follow that someone who is sentenced to die yet does not wish to can trade places with someone who has made the conscious decision to end their own life? Victims of crime can take comfort that a life has been taken to avenge their loss while the perpetrator of the deed can step into the life of the suicidal individual so society is not down a player.

Obviously this idea was ridiculous but the problem was that legally speaking it made a convincing argument and as it made its way up the jurisdictional ladder it gained some unfortunate momentum. Despite the best efforts of both political parties, community and religious leaders as well as endless lampooning by late-night talk show hosts it became a law in 2019.

At first the effects on society as a whole were rather minor as executions were rare and at first the condemned men stepped into the lives of the terminally ill or elderly. Then the unintended consequences started to rear their ugly head. It became clear that many suicides are a result of stress and after awhile convicts were being released into a slew of powerful positions in Washington DC, Hollywood and Wall Street. One particularly bad day on the stock exchange had 3 bloodthirsty killers stepping into the roles of CFO at 2 leading brokerage houses and partner at a top NYC law firm.

2020 was spent trying to get the law overturned as the economic impact began to hit home. While Cristal stock rose sharply and the demand for chrome rims and ‘bitches’ was never higher other areas suffered greatly and the public outcry became deafening as leading companies collapsed and unemployment skyrocketed.

The problem remained that while the law didn’t make any sense it also made complete sense in a ‘big picture, everyone is created equal’ legal way. When it finally reached the Supreme Court, for the third time in as many years, almost every judge issued a press release condemning it and yet it was upheld 7-2.

So I’m sending this back in time in the hopes of someone reading this and taking it upon themselves to kill Darryl Green of Dallas, Texas. He was the one who first came up with the idea so it follows if someone can just take him out then it will have never happened. Sort of like those Terminator movies. Darryl has got to go.

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