(55 years ago)



another victim of Black Lives Matter

(Originally posted 7/6/2020. I would like to congratulate myself for being one of the first to call out Black Lives Matter as the fraudulent cancer they ended up being. You can hear all the proof you need here thanks to the courage of Candace Owens.)


Let me start by saying a couple things;

  • Although I try and keep this site apolitical, there are certain times where fate forces my hand.
  • The goal of this site has never been to make me look like a wonderful human being.


Whenever I see footage of a group of protesters clogging up a highway and forcing traffic to come to a standstill there is a huge part of me that wants to get into a snow plow, the kind with the giant industrial V-shaped blade in front, and drive into the dipshits at 50 mph.


The joy I would feel as I felt the virtue-signaling, self-important morons being crushed and maimed under my wheels would be damn-near transcendent. Crunch crunch crunch.

So you can imagine my joy at hearing that two of the empty-headed white protesters at the recent Black Lives Matter protests in Seattle were hit by a speeding car as they stood holding their dopey signs.

But it gets better. SO much better. The person who hit them was a black criminal fleeing police.

This is almost too much irony to digest in a single sitting. I invite you to take a moment and bask in it. It makes your head swim. It’s so perfect. So very perfect. It’s like the pure euphoria I felt when I heard that one of the people tearing down a statue in Virginia was critically injured when it fell on them. “We could see that his skull was actually showing, he was convulsing on the ground – and he lost a great amount of blood.”

Call it karma. Call it Darwinism. Whatever you call it… I love it.

Now that one of the two women hit by the criminal died, am I supposed to pretend to feel bad?

Nope. Fuck that. I don’t. I can’t find it within myself to give a shit.

I just wish more of the criminal element would drive into protesters. It’s like a ‘get out of guilt’ free card. Even the media has to sit there and fumble around with how to treat the story. “How do we blame the police for this one?”

The terrible truth is I wish anyone who burns an American flag would be hit by a car. I wish all the looters would find themselves at the business end of a flamethrower. I wish all the gangs of animals beating the shit out of people based on the color of their skin would get Rotavirus and suffer terribly before finally shitting themselves to death. I do.

I realize that this isn’t a politically correct statement, but what has political correctness gotten us? It allows a domestic terror organization like Black Lives Matter to hide behind a PC name. Otherwise rational people falling in line to support a group who has no other goal than the destruction of our country and culture.

And make no mistake, the Third World culture they endorse isn’t only a failure in every major city in our country, but there is poverty, ignorance, crime and violence anywhere and everywhere it exists around the world. It’s a cancer within our healthy organism. There is incredible suffering as a direct result of the belief in ‘feel-good’ economics.

I’m exhausted with being reasonable. Tired of groups like Antifa (losers of the world unite) running amok. Tired of couching any positive statement about my country with “But we’re not perfect” or “We did some terrible things.”  America has created more wealth and opportunity than any country that has ever existed. We give more to charities around the globe than every other country combined. If you can’t get yourself together here then you are truly fucked. Our poor live better than the middle-class of any African country (which run the gamut from hellholes to shitholes).

So when I hear about intellectual cowards, self-aggrandizing narcissists and freeloaders who support such Black Lives Marxist nonsense being run over by the very same criminals they profess to be supporting, I can’t help but smile.

One less idiot to worry about.

The women hit by the criminal weren’t heroes. They were people who thought standing in the middle of a road was a good idea.

Good riddance.

I know I might be the only one dumb enough to say it, but I know there are a lot of people who feel the same.

You’re welcome.

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