Merciful Flush: The Lance Manion Blogs

Humor is realizing the frankness and humility in our lives. "Merciful Flush: The Lance Manion Blogs" is a collection of blog articles from Lance Manion as he compiles his views and humor surrounding the world with his work, touching on the many elements we face in our lives that challenge the perspe (more) ctive of the reader. "Merciful Flush" is a fine pick for those looking for mirth and memoir.

"The humor at times is way out there and may be a bit much for some readers. This is certainly one of those books that at time had me rolling with laughter while other times I was cringing." -Rita  Rita Reviews full review (more) on/">here

"A rambling collection of essays, anecdotes, and assorted madness. The humor often borders on the demented, sort of a cross between David Sedaris and Happy Tree Friends. If you're looking for something well outside the mainstream, this will probably amuse you." -Melydia  Utter Randomonium f (more) ull review here

" An easy and compulsive read, Merciful Flush by Lance Manion is a blogging success story and definitely worth picking up for any travel reading. Very very very very imaginative, I can’t believe what is now in my mind that wasn’t there before.  Rating: ★★☠(more) …★☆." -Anya  On Starships and Dragonwings Full review here

"Here we have a collection of strange little tales, fully of the wacky and the wild. Now, some are hilarious, others are quirky and strange, like the author says, it's like a video montage." (more)

"It isn’t often that I pick up a book and feel that it’s so wrong and yet so right. The stories all have a certain amount of quirkiness and snark that makes them fun to read. My rating for this book is a 4 out of 5." Full review (more) 2/friday-book-merciful-flush-by-lance-manion/">here
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