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Random reviews
“They are off-putting but also entertaining, and you cannot look away. If you enjoy black humor then definitely give this short story compilation a read.”
– Dan Lanelotti The Snapper: Millersville University
Full review here
“In any collection there are going to be some clunkers but I found very few that didn’t make me either laugh out loud or spend a few moments thinking about what the hell the point of the story was. For anyone looking to kill a few minutes while commuting or take a break from reality I can’t recommend the book highly enough.”
Full review here
“A rambling collection of essays, anecdotes, and assorted madness. The humor often borders on the demented, sort of a cross between David Sedaris and Happy Tree Friends. If you’re looking for something well outside the mainstream, this will probably amuse you.”
-Melydia Utter Randomonium
full review here
Random quotes
* I always look at the human body as pretty easy to cut up. Just snip at all the joints; ankles and wrists and elbows.
* Memories are like scars on your brain.
* I might as well be rejoicing about extracting individual hexadecimal digits by calculating preceding ones using some lame Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula.
* Words have always been a problem. This need to fill a conversation the same way you’d overstuff a piece of luggage for a short trip.
* All I know is I like the image of a man sitting in a grocery store cradling a bottle of detergent.
* If you want to be happy find a girl that is a balloon shaped like a kite.
* Listen, you may think you’re the shit with your silk being stronger than steel of the same thickness and all but you don’t know dick about the weather.
* Sometimes at night I lay there and imagine my face with no skin on it.
* I swim with the same finesse that most people drown.
* Eternity is every second you spend in fear.