(54 years ago)



feeling pretty upside down

It wasn’t so much vertigo as the sensation that I was the upside down one. My folding chair sitting on the grass comfortably in no danger of going anywhere and yet at the same time clinging to the ground. What put me in this completely unperilous position was seeing the trees off in the distance. It is early spring and none of them have leaves yet so up against the sky they seemed inverted, nothing but roots sticking up.

Which got me to thinking… which to date is the leading cause of my unperilous (and perilous) feelings. If I’m a worm and I live in the earth then I’m constantly moving around roots, which if I’m a worm I would consider trees. When I occasionally journey to the ‘surface’ it must feel like the end of the world… and if I glance up/down I would see all these ‘roots’ sticking down/up into some airy abyss. I’m sure I would look forward to burrowing back into the ground where I can get my bearings again.

If you think about the roots of trees, they are really doing nothing more than the part sticking up out of the soil… getting nutrients. Now I’m not trying to convince you that trees are somehow upside down or that they are hanging off of where the real action is. Far be it from me to provide such a wormcentric take on vegetation. I am only pointing out that as I sat looking at the treeline ahead of me I suddenly felt as though if a worm poked his head up and saw me that I would feel pretty upside down. This despite a rich understanding of gravity and the fact that worms don’t actually have eyes. Just the same I clutched the arms of my folding chair just that much harder and felt if only for a second that the trees and I were just dangling out on a big ball.

Please understand that I don’t care if these thoughts make any sense, I can only relate what I experience and like yourself I wish that these experiences were more profound. But nope, I sat in a chair yesterday and when my Ipod ran out of batteries I was forced to spend time alone with my thoughts.

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