(54 years ago)



I haven’t cried like that since Titanic

(originally posted 10/16/2018)


I always hesitate to quote a number that changes as time passes because I sincerely feel that my writings will still be read a hundred years from now and I hate to date myself. On the other hand, it might allow future readers to sigh and think about how different things were when I was alive.

So here goes… there are currently 7.4 billion people on Earth. Given that each person requires a team of roughly 10-15 beings that means that behind the scenes of our reality there is a support staff of at least 74 billion. A sentinel machine, organic and opinionated gears and pulleys.

“Whatever is he talking about?” you might be asking yourself. In a hundred years a reader might just be nodding to himself/herself, humanity having figured it out. They still might be a little unclear about the ‘beings’ but they’ll have probably realized that things can’t be as completely batshit crazy as they are for no reason.

The work of these support beings isn’t to ensure that their particular person leads a happy life. No, far from it. Their job is to make sure that their person leads the life they are supposed to lead.

According to whom?

Outstanding question.

Do I have the answer? Nope.

What I do know is that there are beings with a lot of pull and beings with no pull whatsoever and the playing field that these 7.4 billion people play on is extremely warped. There is definitely an end game to it all but neither the people or the beings know exactly what it is. So some of the beings play it straight and some of them don’t. And some of them really don’t.

They move objects and lose keys and have a DJ play certain songs at certain times so certain people driving in their cars hear them and feel certain things.

They tamper with dreams and child-proof seals. They spend years trying to get their person to develop a stutter. They trip people and make them fumble during the big game. They make sure they are there to save a cat in a tree and they make sure there is a shooting star falling right on cue.

To what end?

Another outstanding question that I can’t begin to answer.

When we suspect we call it fate or we label them angels or devils.

They seem to like that.

The truly outrageous ones will even create things out of thin air. Like a photo album filled with pictures that were never taken to remind one person how happy another person was before they met them. This causes that person to sit on the edge of a bed and reflect how they’ve never seen that other person smile like that the entire time they have been together.

Apparently it is much harder to get people to break up that weren’t supposed to be together than it is to have people meet who should be. People who write movies know this and although I have no proof of this I’m pretty sure that the good ones end up getting noticed by these beings. Whether that is good or bad is hard to tell.

I do know that most movie channels are run by these beings and whatever movie is playing at any particular time is playing for a certain person to watch and everyone else can watch or not watch without endangering the life they are supposed to be leading.

My gut tells me that these beings are interdimensional but they could also be so advanced that we just can’t perceive them. Perhaps in a hundred years someone is reading this and laughing smugly to themselves because they know.

Which leads me to believe that if there is someone reading this in a hundred years than everyone here now did their jobs and led the lives they were supposed to lead… so wipe that smug look off your face future reader and acknowledge that we at least did our part.

And perhaps show a little sympathy for the person who got up from the bed and walked away without looking back… according to the script.

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