(55 years ago)



Ink In Thirds was nice enough to include one of my stories

Turning pages, turning leaves, turning time. I honestly cannot believe another season has begun its transition. The moments I spend with the written word and art between these pages are always some of my most treasured encounters. Reading and curating the innermost workings of our contributors, I always come to the same conclusion: We are real, we are raw, and our words matter. Ink In Thirds prides itself on the expansive reach of humanity’s voice. A voice with common themes, common interests, and common concerns. Our locale and beliefs may vary, but our humanness undoubtedly connects each of us. It is the true depths of that very humanness that spans all time and all space to share our stories and art about what we think and feel while exploring this realm.

Seasons come and seasons go, but our creative offerings will live on within these pages. This issue features 74 beautiful souls spanning this planet we call Earth, sharing stories, photography, art, and the utmost expressions of our shared human condition. Once again, I extend a heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed and continue championing this literary adventure. We could not do this without the support and readership of our fantastic community.

We usher in this fall with a gentle explosion of exposition and emotion as found on each turning page.

Love and INK,

grace black signature

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