(54 years ago)



one or more things described with no detail

She knows for certain she is going to die some day. Which means that somewhere is the exact spot that she is going to die.

A nursing home. A highway. A beach. A field.

It exists and she’s moving towards it.

Some days the thought of dying paralyzes her and then others she is comfortable with it.

Which will she be feeling when the times comes?

Some days she hopes that it happens in her sleep and then others she wants to be staring it right in the face.

And it only follows that if there is a final day on Earth then there is a final day before.

A final night. A final dream.

A final thought. A final time thinking of her parents, a final time of thinking about the missed opportunities and the final time thinking of him.

When she was in college she had a lecturer explain evolution as her standing holding the hand of her mother. Standing next to her mother was her grandmother and they are also holding hands. Her grandmother is holding hands with her mother.

This continues back for miles.

Somewhere far away one of her relatives is holding hands with a monkey and somewhere even further away one of the monkeys is holding hands with a fish.

Hands… fins… whatever.

Then finally there is a single celled organism holding onto who knows what.

Then in her mind’s eye she is back to the start of the line. Her empty hand extended to the horizon.

A final thought. A final time thinking of her parents, a final time of thinking about the missed opportunities and the final time thinking of him.

A final night. A final dream.

She knows for certain she is going to die some day. Which means that somewhere is the exact spot that she is going to die.

A nursing home. A highway. A beach. A field.

It exists and she’s moving towards it.


“We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone.

Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.”

-Orson Welles

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