(55 years ago)




I think we can all agree that love is overrated.

But personally I find it the best of the overrated things.

Its uncanny ability to bring out the very best and the very worst in you. Its seemingly endless capacity for joy and pain… often times at the same time.

And, perhaps very best and very worst of all, its ability to manifest itself in a real live person. A living breathing person who might well have the capability to feel love for you.

But if they don’t… oh man.

You understand what Australian Stefan Zweig means when he says “Passion is greater than existence, the meaning of life is of more worth than life itself.”

And let’s be honest, it’s almost impossible to understand anything an Australian says.

A true testament to the influence of love.

But if they do… oh man.

As Ben Hecht once noted; “Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.”

Are there a few rules?


Love is not a decision you reach. It just happens to you. Like winning the lottery or cancer. And if you can’t get your head around that you’re in trouble. The deep kind.

It can’t be faked and should never be ignored. If you find it, hang on to it with everything you got because in the end it’s all there is.

Without love there is no self. Anyone with half a brain can tell you that.

Ish at the end of a word makes it something that is not completely true or exactly right. So selfish means what?

Less means a smaller amount of. So selfless means what?

Even our language insists that the two words that most aptly describe our reality get boiled down to one; self.

And without love there is no you’reself. Believe that.

But never ever forget… it’s overrated.

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