Pick up any glossy woman’s magazine and there is sure to be an article entitled “How to Know They’re the One” or “When to Say Yes.” Each one offering some bit of advice as to how to recognize when you’ve found your true life partner. Their job. Their hobbies. Their hair.
In that spirit I’d like to offer my own insights.
It’s fairly simple actually. Just answer the following question; If you had a long drive ahead of you, who would you want in the passenger seat?
Picture looking over to the seat, and then imagine who it is you’d most want sitting there.
Simple as that.
Their job? Eh… might be relevant.
Hobbies? Ok, that could be important. Maybe.
Hair? Absolutely. No question.
Wanting your tongue to be Neil Armstrong to their moon? A big plus.
But above all, the one you’d want sitting next to you on a long trip.
Because that’s what life is.
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