(54 years ago)



Submission Information

For the month of March (and perhaps beyond) I am opening up the website to other authors of flash fiction. The rules are simple, just email your story to lance@lancemanion.com with ‘submission’ in the subject line.

Keep it between 300-1200 words if you can. Attach a short bio and either a picture of yourself or one that goes along with the story. Nothing overly political or woke.

That’s it. No other rules. Let it fly, the weirder the better.

I don’t have a lot of readers and cannot guarantee fame or fortune, but I can provide writers (or wannabe writers) a place to see their work on the internet.

Everybody should write. When you write you think, and when you think you’re less likely to consume the narrative being sold by the media.

Hope to hear from you soon.

*I will be traveling the Friday the 29th through April 2nd without access to the internet. I will get right back to anyone submitting upon my return.

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