(55 years ago)



suicide school

(originally posted 11/3/2019)


The hardest part is convincing some people that falling is enjoyable. They sometimes associate it with the feeling you get in your stomach on a rollercoaster when you slowly climb up and then plummet down.

That’s an entirely different feeling. On a rollercoaster, and in most metaphors, you are being pulled down. It’s not a free fall.

Have you ever seen an unhappy person after they’ve leapt from a plane?

That’s lesson one.

Falling is awesome.

The second requires an entirely different kind of leap. I would phrase it as a leap of ‘faith’ but most of the time people associate that word with religion instead of science and in this case gods have very little to do with it.

Physics on the other hand?

Without getting into too much math, let me try to explain.

After a certain length of free fall, once terminal velocity has been reached (a very ironic term I’ll grant you), which for those of you who care is 122 MPH, and it certain beyond any doubt that conscious matter is going to return to an unconscious state upon reaching the ground, it slips out of what we understand as the space/time continuum.

In other words, it falls for as long as it likes.

Be it from bridges or burning towers, people who apparently jump to their death spend anywhere from a few seconds to thousands of years falling and only hit the surface when they’re good and ready to. There are people who are still falling and will be long after their friends and family are gone.

We, as quantum observers, perceive it as instantaneous for some of the same reasons that time moves differently closer to a black hole.

The math will literally make you want to jump off a cliff.

Which is exactly what suicide school is all about. Making you want to jump off a cliff.

If the school had a mascot it would be someone falling from a high place. It’s really a win/win scenario. Either you grow to understand and trust the math and willingly jump off a cliff or the math is too difficult and the stresses of attending the class make you want to jump.

Either way… you’re jumping.

The questions I get a lot are; “How did we find this out?” “How do we know it works?”

My answer is “That’s why you have to take the class.”

My next question is usually “So you really think you want some alone time?”

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