the math
It’s funny, I’ve been telling everyone about how excited I am about the new eBook technology and the effect it might have on the publishing industry. One of the things I’ve been bleating to anyone who’ll listen is how much I look forward to 1,000 authors selling 1,000 books each as opposed to 1 selling a million.
Then I did the math.
Assuming I make $1 a book that means for me to actually make a decent living being a writer I’ll have to write 100 books a year. If I allow myself a typical 5 day workweek, major holidays off and a 2 week summer vacation that means I’ll have 270 days to complete my 100 books. One way to look at that is a new book every 2.7 days or, to give you a better understanding of how daunting this task would be, 29,630 words a day.
Even if I put in 10 hours a day at the computer that’s still 2,963 words an hour.
3 stories of approx. 1,000 words each.
49.38 words a minute.
I couldn’t type that fast if I was taking dictation.
Expect a lot of stories with titles such as “My Fingers Are Bleeding Again”, “I can’t stand Up Under My Own Power” and “Has anyone Seen My Penis?”
I’m guessing that the quality of the content will begin to suffer after the first 20 or 30 books.
Perhaps I was a little hasty in reaching my 1,000 selling 1,000 number.
No wonder nobody ever listens to me.
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