the Snow White/T Rex connection
Big news today.
I found my first white pube.
White as the driven snow.
And if that weren’t bad enough… it was right in the middle of my sack. Why is that such a problem you ask? Because it made plucking it a nightmare. For those who didn’t come equipped with the sack option let me try to explain the problem. The skin making up the sack is very flexible. Pliable is not overstating it.
You tug a hair … the sack lifts up. You yank hard and the sack follows but not without no small amount of discomfort. But will it relinquish the white hair? Let me assure you not.
I’m standing there tugging and tugging and wincing and yelping but this fucking hair won’t come out and my poor sack is turning three shades of red after awhile.
Perhaps I failed to mention that this bad boy was about 2 inches long.
Why so long?
Ok, I hope you’re sitting down.
A lot of guys I know have started ‘grooming’ their downstairs. Apparently if you trim down it makes your junk look bigger. Sound logical. But that has never been my problem. In fact, I have sort of the opposite issue. It’s downright intimidating I’ve been told. So Let my pubic hair grow and grow in the hopes that it has the opposite effect … if you know what I mean.
Here’s another bit of truth. It doesn’t work. Actually it just makes it look like a monster crashing out of the brush like that scene in Jurassiac Park where the T-Rex jumps out and eats that little dinosaur running by.
Believe me, that is not the effect you want in the ol’ bedroom. Take my word for it.
So there it it … my big news.
Good luck getting the image of me standing in front of the mirror with my Twinkie the Kid boxers at my knees tugging on a white pubic hair.
Your welcome.
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