(55 years ago)




(originally posted 4/26/2013)


It was obviously uncomfortable.

Well, perhaps before I say obviously I should give you some additional details.

They were prisoners. Tied together with heavy rope. Their wrists and ankles bound tight and they both knew they were going nowhere. They had never met and both wondered what the other was doing in this predicament. They both had gags but they were largely ineffective and both realized that they could talk if they chose to do so.

They didn’t.

Not at first anyway.

As the minutes dragged on he finally introduced himself, doing the best he could to be eloquent despite having to move the gag down with his tongue and with his face pressed far too close to hers to be casual.

She appreciated the effort.

She instinctively moved to shake his hand but found the bonds unforgiving. She shifted slightly to let him know that she would have offered up her hand if she could have. He noticed and appreciated the gesture.

What to talk about?

He made small talk about some of the events that led him to be in that particular situation.

She laughed, recognizing some of the same reasons that seemed to deposit her there. When she laughed she felt a pang of self-consciousness because without her hand to place discretely over her mouth, he no doubt saw her overbite.

He didn’t.

He was far too concerned with the fact that he had started to perspire heavily and with her so close there was no doubt in his mind that she would begin to chew through the ropes to escape if it meant having to stay in such close contact with a damp man for even a second longer.

Despite this fear there appeared no immediate risk of her starting to put her overbite to good use.

They exchanged names and that’s when they both heard it for the first time.

A noise like the far-off tinkling of glasses mixed in with the low rumble of conversation.

Their captors perhaps?

They both froze until the noises abated.

He shifted uncomfortably. She attempted to move her weight from one ass cheek to the other without being obvious about it.

They exchanged information about where they were born and started to talk about their hobbies to pass the time.

He asked her if she knew what thundersnow was. She indicated she didn’t. He explained that it was a thunderstorm where snow fell instead of rain. The reason he mentioned it was he was just so disappointed by the explanation. When he heard the term “thundersnow” he expected it to be something very badass.


She smiled, overbite be damned.

That’s when the sounds returned.

He was suddenly filled with the need for bold action. He desperately needed to escape so he started to squirm and twist.

The noise grew.

Feeling his efforts she joined him in trying to slip out of the fetid fetters and soon the two of them were working in tandem. It became easier. All the time their heads swam just a little as the sound of voices grew louder and louder in their ears.

Raised voices. Was that alarm or laughter they heard?

Then they were out. The ropes fell off and they stood facing each other.

In the midst of a crowded cocktail party.

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