(55 years ago)

“Sometimes we desire absolute nonsense because in our stupidity we see in this nonsense the easiest way of attaining some conjectural good.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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DEI has consequences

California is on fire because of endless DEI, the endless bad decisions and the endless support of failed Progressive policies. A perfect metaphor for what’s been going on in government, corporations and universities for years. We literally have to watch LA burn to the ground as the mayor vacations in Ghana.

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great ball of fire (part 3 of 5)

(originally posted 12/5/2017)   After coitus with Madonna a quick bit of rest became priority number one for Nap. He sat back in the Captain’s chair he had installed, the entire command center for the ship was quickly retrofitted to look exactly like the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and quickly fell asleep. At some […]


great ball of fire (part 2 of 5)

(originally posted 12/3/2017)   Even if the somber faces gathered around the large table in the Pentagon’s formerly-named War Room, meaning that it was called the War Room but someone with a morose sense of humor had recently taped a piece of paper over it renaming it Panic Room, believed Nap Lapkin and his theory […]


the city is coming

(originally posted 12/4/2014… and it’s only getting worse)   Every night, I walk around my neighborhood. Single-family homes as far as the eye can see. Every lawn manicured, every house nicely painted. If a stray candy bar wrapper happens to hit the ground, it will quickly be scooped up and disposed of. There is one […]


Mr. Old Fashioned

(originally appeared on the Yareah Magazine website 4/13/2014)   The dark-skinned girl behind the counter with eight vowels and only three consonants in her name looked up at me. I was next. If there was ever a time for finger-pointing it was now. It was show time. I had twelve to pick for my morning […]


everything involved in getting a trout stamp

(originally posted 3/31/2018)   Beth was a romantic. She started looking at the county clerk’s office in her quest to get a stalking license. The same place you get marriage licenses. Yep, Beth was a dyed-in-the-wool romantic. She couldn’t find the necessary form online so she created her own, including all the information she thought […]

The Forest of Stone

The Forest of Stone

Publication date: January 5, 2024
Category: Humor

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Broken World Stories

Broken World Stories

Publication date: April 1, 2022
Category: Humor

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Dizzying Depths

Dizzying Depths

Publication date: Jan 21, 2021
Category: Humor

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Tales of Adventure with Nap Lapkin

Tales of Adventure with Nap Lapkin

Publication date: September 2019
Category: Humor

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Publication date: April 2019
Category: Humor

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What You Don’t Understand

What You Don’t Understand

Publication date: November 2015
Category: Humor

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The Song Between Her Legs

The Song Between Her Legs

Publication date: September 2014
Category: Humor

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The Ball Washer

The Ball Washer

Publication date: October 2012
Category: Humor

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Homo Sayswhaticus

Homo Sayswhaticus

Publication date: May 2013
Category: Humor

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The Trembling Fist

The Trembling Fist

Publication date: November 2013
Category: Humor

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Merciful Flush: The Lance Manion Blogs

Merciful Flush: The Lance Manion Blogs

Publication date: May 2012
Category: Humor

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Results May Vary: The Lance Manion Blogs

Results May Vary: The Lance Manion Blogs

Publication date: May 2012
Category: Humor

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